Thanksgiving 2002
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Our Thanksgiving will be shared with Jenifer’s brother Jesse, who is flying out here to spend 4 days with us (and a few in the snow). He and I will head to the slopes for some snowboarding while I have a few days off over the holiday weekend.
Liam is almost crawling now. He will turn 7 months old on Thanksgiving day, the 26th. Nevan crawled at a much earlier age, but that is ok. Liam is incredibly adorable and we are happy with him taking his time.
Nevan has grown so much, it is a joy to watch him develop into a boy. He’s not a baby anymore, and is not really a toddler any more either. We’ve made good headway into toilet training him, that has been fun. But the most joy is watching Nevan share his toys with Liam, or watch Nevan proudly show off his little brother to his little playmates.
Jenifer and I haven’t been house hunting lately, we’ve honestly been a little busy. We want to start again soon, but fear the holiday season will get in the way and we may not get a chance until the beginning of the year. We’ll have to wait and see.
Jenifer has been participating more heavily in hosting her Pampered Chef parties of late. This has brought a little bit of extra cash in, but more importantly given Jenifer a chance to meet some people and have fun doing it.
I recently competed in a 6 week ten pin bowling league, and ended up with the high series of all competitors. This was highlighted with having the two best scores of the season, strangely both a 188. I’ve hit 200 once before in my life, but just can’t quite seem to get there again.
I’ve been toiling away at work, administering a SQL Server database and writing custom views and crystal reports. I’ve recently attended Crystal classes, SQL Server Administration and Access classes. I’ve appreciated that the company I now work for are interested in furthering my education and knowledge at their expense. A sign of a good company to work for.
It’s snowed heavily a couple of times here this month, covering the mountains in white and for a couple of days the ground all around us. One afternoon of shopping at Walmart we were greeted with almost blizzard like snow as we made our way to the car. I hope we get more, and experience our first ever white Christmas.
That’s about it for now. I hope to write more soon!
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