Surprise in Ohio

Surprise in Ohio

The moment three mates walked in to a restaurant on the other side of the world… ย The culmination of six monthsโ€™ planning was finally realised.

You see, our good mate Brett Daniels had just married his American sweetheart (Abigail) in a beach house wedding in Ulladulla, Australia in early November. Friends and family gathered, some too from the United States, to witness this joining of two lovers inย what was the Australian leg of their wedding. The 2nd leg was held in Ohio, USA on the 12th December, for the benefit of Abigailโ€™s friends and family. We, Brettโ€™s mates, planned a secret trip to surprise himโ€ฆ

Brett believed he was heading to lunch with his “bride” to be, his parents and his parents life long friends. Abigail, who was in on it, remained in constant communication as we set ourselves to walk in moments after they were all seated. We rounded the corner of the restaurant, having handed my Go Pro to one of the staff to film the moment. Brett was sitting in the corner, still unaware as we approached the table.

I don’t recall the actual words I said, the moment was just so big. But something to the tune of, “Hey mate? Can we join you for lunch?”ย The expression on Brettโ€™s face as he tried to puzzle out what was happening was priceless, you just donโ€™t expect your mates to walk in when youโ€™re in a tiny town half way across the planet. As he pieced everything together he jumped out of his seat and hugged his mates, full of smiles.

And so the four men from the land Downunder proceeded to take the tiny town of Van Wert, Ohio by storm. Big nights in Van Wert. A massive night in Fort Wayne, Indiana. A wedding to match the beauty and splendour of its twin back in Australia.

To surprise our mate at his (other) wedding halfway across the world is something we’ll never forget…



Australian. Sport. Passionate Cricket Fan. Go Pro. Abseiling. Snorkeling. Travel. Golf R. SQL Server Developer. Three sons. One daughter. Last Trip: New York.

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