Repeat header columns on each page not working

Repeat header columns on each page not working

Reference: Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Youโ€™ve created a table in Reporting Services, added data, added column headers and youโ€™re now trying to set the column headers to repeat on every page.

You right click the top left corner handle for the table, click Tablix Properties and check Repeat header columns on each page. It doesnโ€™t work.

Try this.

Under your main report window youโ€™ll see a divided pane with the headers Row Groups  and Column Groups.

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of Column Groups and check Advanced Mode.
  2. Click the first (Static) record in the left Row Groups pane.
  3. In the Properties toolbar on the lower right, set the following:
    • RepeatOnNewPage: True
    • KeepWithGroup: After
    • FixedData: True

Iโ€™d suggest leaving Repeat header columns on each page checked in case future versions of Reporting Services is updated to only require this selection.

Good luck!


Australian. Sport. Passionate Cricket Fan. Go Pro. Abseiling. Snorkeling. Travel. Golf R. SQL Server Developer. Three sons. One daughter. Last Trip: New York.

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