Nevan 3rd in District Discus

Nevan 3rd in District Discus

Nevan has just missed out on qualifying for the Regional Finals having placing 3rd in the District Finals; alas only the top two went through. I didn’t expect a whole lot considering he doesn’t own a discus and doesn’t train, I was simply happy and a bit chuffed that he was competing at representative level. It had been a bit of a shock that he won the event at school, but now he was up against a bunch of schools.

The little stadium was fantastic; running track with field events in the middle and a cute little grandstand made for feeling like a little Olympics. Obviously so much better run and coordinated than school events which made for an enjoyable afternoon. Upon Nevan’s event starting I re-located to the green banks on the opposite side with Hayden in tow to get a nice close look at the action.

Nothing extraordinary as I watched good competitors with good techniques and the right apparel (singlets, skins, etc.) versus Nevan who once threw in his Jumper! Silly boy, I got a bit closer and whispered to try taking that off. His first throw was middle of the pack stuff, landing roughly 11m (36ft) and therefore placing him about 10th. His second throw wasn’t as good and as he released his third throw I was setting myself to tell him how great he had done, tried his best and the fact that he had made it this far was such an accomplishment. You know how it goes.

But I froze. Out of absolutely nowhere he nails his final throw, my eyes lighting up as I watch it sail well past his previous throws, well past a number of other competitors markers. Finally landing, he superseded his earlier efforts by nearly two times as 19.92m (65.35ft) was the recorded distance. No kidding, the moment of madness earned Nevan 3rd in the entire District and his first ribbon at representative level. Yes, quite proud.

We would later find out that even though the top 3 or 4 go through in other events, Discus only takes the top 2 to the Regionals. He is on standby but we’re happy regardless.


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sport—particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, I’ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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1 Comment
  1. Awesome! Way to go, Nevan! (Although a little belated, I see, given the date of this post. In my defense it only just now showed up in my Google Reader.)

    I have here on my desk at work, framed I might add, a First Place ribbon from my High School for Shot Put (it was my one & only First Place finish), along with the Third Place ribbon from the G.G.S.S.S.A, Greater Gippsland Secondary School Sports Assoc. (I think) for the same event.

    Like Nevan’s discus event, only the first two competitors for Shotput moved on to the State Championships so my Third place finish wasn’t quite good enough.

    Given that the only practice I got in was conducted on my own time using a borrowed Shot, I don’t think I did too bad. Obviously it’s one of the highlights of my school years and I’m sure I don’t need to say it, but I will anyway 😉 Hang onto those ribbons/medals, because years down the road those memories of his childhood will mean a lot to him.

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