La Plata Canyon

La Plata Canyon

I spent the day on Sunday at La Plata Canyon. A friend of mine, Jeremy Kinney, and his girlfriend, Cinda, invited me to come hiking with them for the day. This fulfilled an absolute complete weekend for me. This was after spending the day before in Pagosa Springs and surrounding mountains.

We drove for about an hour up into the canyon, and hiked for about another hour or so. When we got towards the top, I had noticed some patches of snow, or ice I suppose, down the face of the mountain. Being a glutton for adventure, I decided to climb down to the icy patch.
Getting down wasn’t too easy with loose rocks threatening to start an avalanche of some sort. I finally made it, and decided to bum slide around for a while. It sure was fun.

The real hard part was climbing back up the mountain!


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sportโ€”particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, Iโ€™ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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