Just the boys…
This weekend, from Friday mid afternoon until late Saturday night Jenifer was away on a women’s retreat, leaving the boys alone with me for the first time ever. Liam isn’t quite finished nursing, so it would be interesting to see if he would be fussy when I couldn’t provide milk for him. What’s also interesting is his obvious dislike for cows milk.
We spent Friday afternoon at the mall and at Walmart, looking at Toys and Electronics, you know, guy stuff. Because Nevan had been such a good boy during the week, as well as being very good at a friends house on Friday when I was working, I bought him a new Buzz Lightyear Toy.
This thing has everything, buttons for all his popular sayings, a laser on his right arm and a button that extends his wings from behind his back power pack. “Buzz, you are a cool toy!” – Woody.
And for little Liam, I got him one of those play cubes with holes in it with different shapes, and little blocks in different shapes that fit in the cube. I’ve watched Liam get an interest in putting things in bigger things, so I thought this would be a welcomed toy for him. They both loved their new toys.
Saturday night was a little interesting, as Liam woke a couple of times in the night. I had fed him good and given him a bath with night-time bubbles, something that is supposed to help make a baby feel sleepy. I think it worked, Liam went to bed at about 8pm and Nevan, who was really helping, also went to bed at 8pm without a fuss.
Sometime in the middle of the night Liam woke up, so I brought him into my bed, and rubbed his back until he fell asleep. He kept nodding then jerking up a little, then finally nodded off. I don’t think he slept that long before he woke up again, and this time was not going to fall back asleep with a simple back rubbing.
I got up and fed him and changed him, and put him back in his crib, crying. I decided to lay on the couch until he stopped. 2 hours later I woke up and went back to bed.
At about 5am the same happened, so I fed him again and put him back to bed, and went back to the couch. This time Nevan woke me up at 9am ๐
Saturday we went to the mall again for a while, and then to the park to play. Both boys had a great time at the park, but my goal succeeded in making them both tired and sleepy so we went home to take naps.
I tried to get the boys to stay awake until Jenifer got home, but Liam just started getting too fussy. I decided to put him to bed, which strangely made him happy because he smiled and rolled over to fall asleep. That was weird.
Nevan did stay up until she got home, at about 9:30pm-10:00pm and my weekend adventure was overโฆ
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