Jenifer’s New Car
In preparation for Jenifer’s mum and friend coming to visit in January was our realization that we really wanted to get a bigger car. The Camry was suiting us just fine but more and more we were finding reasons for the upgrade. The boys had to make deals with each other as to whose friend could come to our house after school to play. Camping trips were getting harder and harder to cram stuff in the boot. Finally our desire to have one car to transport our family and visiting relatives around New South Wales while they holidayed.
We spent a good month or two narrowing down the options until we rested on two makes: the Toyota Landcruiser Prado and the Mitsubishi Pajero; both 8-seaters. Test drives, countless car yards and private seller communication sums up how we spent most of November and December as the middle of January was suddenly on our doorstep.
Finally we found the ideal car and purchased what you see in the photo above on the stroke of new year. Massive kudos to my cousin-in-law Wayne who, on more than one occasion, travelled to inspect our choices and gave the most credible feedback. Everyone was in love with the car (and still are), the timing of it basically made it an extended Christmas present for mum.
Only two and a half weeks until our American guests arrive and we have the means to all jump in one car and take off somewhere fun.
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