Hayden’s First Christmas
This year was baby Hayden’s first Christmas and while it’s just bright colours and fascination with wrapping paper for a 7 month old it’s still a precious time for the parents of a baby. We were fortunate again this year that my Dad was able to come down and spend it with us, helping the boys with all their present opening while spending time with his new(ish) grandson. Dad met Nevan when he was a year and a half, he met Liam when he was nearly four. He’d never spent time with a “baby” of mine.
Once the bomb scene was cleared we all headed up to Sydney for another dose of carnage. This year 39 Doigs & Co gathered at my grandparents for the yearly Family Christmas. There were babies galore as many of my cousins have had babies this year, a total of 5 precious little ones spelling out that the next generation is well and truly here. It had to be good for Nan & Pop and I hope that one day I will be so lucky to have so many loved ones coming to spend the Holidays with me.
We actually stayed the night in a little cabin; spent much time eating, swimming, running, playing cricket, remote control helicopters, I could go on and on. It was a great way to spend Christmas, the boys came home buzzed and I know they too got a lot out of the day. Good times.
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