Hayden turns 2

Hayden turns 2

As is the norm in our household, one birthday was followed almost immediately by another. Baby Hayden – my little Aussie born Hayden, has just celebrated his 2nd birthday. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone!

Only a couple days past hosting a huge birthday party for Liam’s 8th, we decided to have a quiet gathering for Hayden’s special day. Just a couple pressies and a (now famous) Jenifer baked cake to mark the occasion… and this.

You’ve no doubt seen the photo above. Yes, Hayden is balling his eyes out. No, he isn’t in trouble. For some reason (we still don’t know why) when we started singing “Happy Birthday” he started bawling. He had been as happy as Larry before the song and it wasn’t until we stopped singing and Mum stepped in to save the day that he settled down. You can see his moist eyes yet fascination with the candle he got to blow out. Aww.


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sport—particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, I’ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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