Hanging out with Jaimee
Having recently moved to Colorado, our new friends Rick & Jaimee have been doing a superb job showing us their great state. Living in the quaint town of Bayfield – perhaps twenty minutes down the road from Durango; I can see how alluring it would be to live here.
That much closer to Vallecito Lake to the north, Pagosa Springs to the East and a plethora of La Plata County nuggets, we’re finding ourselves out this way quite frequently now.
Whilst the girls lapped baby Liam, Nevan and I played with the dogs and played frisbee. At some point in the day we spied a little green tree snake slithering through the grass; recognising it wasn’t poisonous caught it to have a bit of a look before releasing him/her back to whatever he/she was doing.
Nevan obviously found that quite cool!
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