Funny true story
Listen to this.
The head engineer was in my office this morning talking to Josh. The head engineer is the brother of the president, so he’s way up there in the company…
We had been listening to Mark and Brian on the radio all morning. If you’re not aware of who they are, they’re two funny guys who host a talk show each morning relating to making fun of current issues, and just about anything else. People call in and with Mark and Brian on the line, broadcasting on the air, making prank calls and all sorts of funny things…
All of a sudden they play the sound of a woman in orgasm. It’s rather loud and obvious what’s going on, and I start getting all red and slightly trembling with laughter. I am afraid to turn around, and stare deep into my monitor. I’m guessing it will stop quickly but it seems to keep going and going…
Josh is still talking to the head engineer. I know they’re both aware of what’s going on, but they keep talking anyway. Josh contemplates turning it off, but he doesn’t feel right to stop the conversation and diverting all attention to turning down a radio that has a woman having sex on it…
I am still afraid of turning around. I’m really red right now. I am hoping Josh will turn it down. Josh is hoping I will turn it down. It’s been going on for so long now, this woman is in deep orgasm…
The head engineer finally saves us. “She’s having a good morning isn’t she?”
Then the classic. Josh says to the head engineer, “Michael makes me listen to this every morning!”
I return, “WHAT?! We both always listen to this radio station EVERY morning!”
It’s your classic “Pass the buck of burden” when in an embarrassing situation…
All I can say is… you had to be there…
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