Eels make me happy on Fathers Day

Eels make me happy on Fathers Day

My Fathers Day present was traveling to Parramatta Stadium to watch the Parramatta Eels play the Brisbane Broncos in Sydney. In recent years Brisbane has typically been a much better team than the Dragons, who we lost 6-14 against last week (read it here) so when we were down 6-16 early I was worried.

But then something remarkable happened. Parra went on a monumental rampage; newspapers labeling it an “astonishing flogging” by outscoring Brisbane 62-6 to finally record a smashing 68-22 victory. From 6-16 to 68-22. Needless to say I almost lost my voice from screaming. It was sensational brilliance. This is just what we needed before the playoffs start next week and to do this against last years champions made it all the more incredible.

By the end I was laughing, yeah laughing, at the way our boys made a mockery of the Brisbane squad. Krisnan Inu’s final try drove it home, a dummy chip kick followed by almost walking around the Brisbane defender. Geez it was classic. Get your eyes upon the highlights, it will put into perspective my favourite team and how exciting they can be. I wish they had have played this way last week…

1. Use Internet Explorer 6.0+ (Firefox doesn’t work well with this)
2. Go to
3. Make sure Round 25 is selected (it should default to Round 25)
4. Down the left side, click EELS v BRONCOS
5. On the right side, click RD25 EELS v BRONCOS (HLS)



I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sportโ€”particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, Iโ€™ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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  1. My birthday present (of sorts) was Richmond winning their third game of the season to defeat Essendon, especially with it being Hird and Sheedys final game in Melbourne. It’s sad to rain on someone’s parade, but when it’s one of just three wins out of 22 games, I’m more than happy to see the Tigers knock down the mighty Dons ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. The real birthday present was the DVD of Mr. Bean’s Holiday, available on DVD everywhere in the world but the U.S. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Wasn’t that a great movie? We also picked it up and I must say that the brits sure know how to make a Mr Bean. There was too much American in the first movie that took away from it in my opinion.

    Go the Tigers!?

    • Benny
    • On: September 5, 2007

    What no mention of backyard cricket or our delicious dinner of Burger King at 9pm?????

  4. How true, what a one track mind I’ve got! My defense is that the footy game was so good, plus the fact that we sent those mongrels from up north home packing tails between their legs; made me forget everything else?

    Yeah it’s a pretty lame excuse. Backyard cricket brought back some good memories, we need to get together and play a bigger version as a family sometime soon ay!

    A few beers at my cousin’s place that night while re-watching the end of the game on TV was pretty damn awesome as well!

    Then Burger King later before watching the Storm receive their bloody trophy for Minor Premiership (again) before driving home. It was a good night. And unless you’re Aussie, you have no clue what I just said. I’m ok with that.

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