Edinburgh Adventure & an Uber Driver’s Incredible Act

Edinburgh Adventure & an Uber Driver’s Incredible Act

Coming towards the end of our Scottish stay (before I had to head to work in England for a few weeks), Louise and I spent a grand day exploring Edinburgh, a city that perfectly balances history, charm, and a bit of madness.

We started with a visit to Edinburgh Castle, perched high on Castle Rock, its imposing walls holding centuries of history. From there, we admired the Scott Monument, a gothic spire dedicated to Sir Walter Scott, which looms dramatically over Princes Street. We let ourselves get lost in the winding streets, soaking in the energy of the city, and stopped for lunch at The Edinburgh Larder, a deli renowned for its fresh, locally sourced soups and sandwiches. Safe to say, it lived up to the hype!

Our timing was impeccable, as Edinburgh Fringe Festival was in full swing. With 50,000 performances across 3,269 shows in 294 venues, it’s the single biggest celebration of arts and culture on the planet. The streets were alive with performers, musicians, and comedians, each corner offering a new act to stumble upon. It was chaotic, vibrant, and everything you’d expect from a city bursting with creativity.

Yet, the lead-up to this trip made it all the more surreal. After a night of drinking with friends—hopping between bars, Black Cabs, and Ubers—we finally made it home to Glasgow well into the night. The next morning, disaster struck. My camera was missing. Panic set in. I spent the morning calling everyone—friends, bars, restaurants, the Black Cab company—but no luck.

With mixed emotions, I went through the day in Edinburgh armed only with my phone camera, all the while quietly mourning the potential loss of so many precious memories. But fate had other plans. That evening, as a last resort, I tried contacting the Uber driver from the night before. To my surprise, he answered. At first, he couldn’t find the camera, but after searching further, he discovered it kicked under his seat. Then, in an incredible act of kindness, he drove 45 minutes back to return it to me that very night.

Losing the camera would have been a disaster, but what I remember most isn’t just the relief of getting it back—it’s the sheer honesty and generosity of one Asian Scottish Uber driver, a man I will forever be grateful for. That, more than anything, made this day trip to Edinburgh unforgettable.


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sport—particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, I’ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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