Cricket recognition

Cricket recognition

I have been recognized on various levels in the Colorado Cricket League for this 2004 season. The article link is below:

2004 Colorado Cricket Awards


A very fine medium pacer who lives in the far, far land of Durango and plays for OWCC. Mike is a very useful batsman and without any doubt the best fielder in the CCL. I call him a three-in-one player, a bowler and two batsmen (one in the batting and another batsman by stopping 30 odd runs in fielding). Here are Mike’s stats:

Mike has scored 138 runs at an average of 15.33 with a highest score of 40*. Mike also claimed 11 wickets this year at 20.36 apiece. His best bowling was 8-2-18-3 against the league champions Gold. Mike took a league leading 11 catches and was responsible for 4 run-outs.

CCL-EC decided to recognize services of Michael of OWCC for devoting himself to CCL’s web site. Which in many player’s views has made a huge impact. Mike designed, developed and maintained this web site in such a way that many only can dream about.

Mike, I speak for the whole league when I tell you that this league is in debt to you for your services. Thank you and we appreciate it a lot.


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sportโ€”particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, Iโ€™ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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1 Comment
  1. You’re certainly making your mark here, mate. I don’t know if people realize it or not, but when ever you visit another country, you’re not just there as a tourist, you are essentially an ambassador for your own country. Australia would be proud of the way you’re conducting yourself over here.

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