Cricket Awards

Cricket Awards

So, the awards for season 2005 have been announced. And here’s my personal take on them.

Best Batsman
So Rajesh Mosur wins the award for his brilliant batting. I mean, it really was, who scores 6 half centuries in 12 games? Not many. But in reality, I feel he won this award by 3 runs. See, my team mate Kalpesh Bhakta (pictured batting) scored 297 runs in just 6 innings. As he lives in New Mexico he is unavailable for many games. When he did play, he scored 4 half centuries and was utterly devastating. So why didn’t he win it? Well the criteria was play half the games, 6 out of 12, check! Score 300 runs, he scored 297, there you have it, 3 runs short. His performances were scintillating, match winning knocks. No disrespect to Rajesh, his batting style is watchful and patient. If he could just score a little quicker…

Best Bowler
Hands down the right choice. Nadeem Rafiq. 27 wickets, and when you have been around as long as he you would think he’d lose his touch as he gets older. Well he seems to be getting better. This is his best year with the ball. He took 8 for 16 in one game. I dont care who you are, or who you play, taking 4 wickets is bloody hard. Taking 8? I’ve faced Nadeem in 3 games and I’ve been very successful against him. I won’t share my strategy and I hope he doesn’t read this…

Best All-Rounder
This was tough. I wish I had have been dominating earlier in the season. Govind wins it for taking a ton of wickets and finally scoring runs. I say that because he is an awesome hitter, but typically gets out quick. This year he finally racked up 2 fifties, his first. Some other close contenders, IMHO, were Nadeem, Aravind Sampath, Mahesh Sampath, but I think if Vaibhav Madhok hadn’t have moved out of state mid-season he would have had it hands down.

Best Fielder
It’s me. No surprise really. I take my fielding seriously, and from an early age have been able to run, dive, pull of amazing catches and score many direct hit runouts. I’m certainly blessed with agility and athleticism and I am thankful.

League MVP
I struggle with the requirement that this person has to be on the league winning team. That just doesn’t seem right. Ganesh Sharma (pictured keeping) wins it, he certainly has played awesome, and actually, could have been a great contender for batsman of the year. I’d like to see other factors involved. FCCC were 9-2 last year, 10-2 this year. Just expected. DSCC were 3-7 last year, 9-3 this year. We were 5-5 last year, 10-2 this year. I think there are certain individuals directly responsible for this, and quite honestly I think MVP probably should have come down between Kalpesh Bhakta and Vamshi Kyatham. There were too many occurances of these 2 changing the course of a teams destiny. Again, no offence to Ganesh, he’s a great friend. He deserves this, but I think he was unchallenged and that doesn’t seem proper.

Rookie of the Year
It’s my man Keshav Murthy! He’s a spinner, he has been playing tennis ball cricket for the last few years so adjusting had to be tough. He grabbed a ton of wickets, was so economical, made the other spinners in the league look ordinary compared to he, he got out batting only once and secured some famous wins with his lower order batting, he’s a fine gentleman and quite honestly easily the Rookie of the Year. I am thrilled for him!

So, read the official article at:


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sportโ€”particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, Iโ€™ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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