Christmas Day 2002

Christmas Day 2002

We just got our Christmas photo’s complete and uploaded to the web. We enjoyed our first White Christmas very much, particularly with Jenifer’s family spending Christmas with us. For the morning we head up to Vallecito Lake to spend the gift unwrapping frenzy with friends Rick and Jaimee Callies. Picture a living room, fire blazing, crammed with people and wrapping paper everywhere. Some chrissy tunes and food… kids and adults alike getting into the spirit of the season.

Thanks Rick and Jaimee for hosting us this year.

There you have it, Christmas 2002 for you. We hope you enjoy!


I'm an Australian Chief Analytics Officer passionate about data science, visual insights, and all things sportโ€”particularly cricket. An adventurer at heart, Iโ€™ve gone from abseiling cliffs to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, sleeping in the wilds of Africa, and exploring destinations worldwide, with my latest trip taking me to Bali. When I'm not diving into data or analytics, I'm spending time with my three sons and two daughters, attempting to hit sixes for my local cricket club, reviewing chicken schnitzels or honing my craft around a coffee machine.

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