Alaska vs American
Here is how my day went, see if you can beat it:
5:45am – My alarm goes off. Gotta drag myself out of bed and get ready.
5:46am – I have a nice shower. Remember that I need to find my plane tickets.
5:52am – I shaved!
5:57am – All dressed and looking high and low for my tickets. They’re probably on my desk at work.
6:01am – Go to get in the van, realize that the windshield is frozen over.
6:03am – Water the windshield down to melt the ice. It’s freezing cold outside.
6:05am – The ignition fights to turn, wait, it starts! I’m on my way!
6:20am – Arrive at the office and find my tickets. Phew!
6:25am – Stop by Bank of America to withdraw $20.00.
6:26am – The igntion won’t turn. I’m running out of time and start to worry.
6:30am – It finally turns after about 5 minutes. Phew!
6:32am – Stop by Velvet Foam to get a White Chocolate Mocha – 3 shots!
6:40am – Arrive at the airport, pay the darned $16.00 for 4 days parking.
7:00am – Proceed through security screening. I beeped. It was my watch.
7:20am – Boarded the plane, ready for a weeklong business trip in Oregon.
7:44am – Plane takes off. It’s a 40 minute flight to Los Angeles to connect to Portland.
8:24am – Arrive in Los Angeles. Make my way to Terminal 3 and my gate.
8:45am – Listen to my voice messages. Find out that the trip is cancelled, need to go back home.
9:00am – Cancel my flight to Portland. Make my way back to Terminal 4, American Eagle.
9:15am – I request my luggage, they tell me to go back to Terminal 3.
9:30am – I stop in at Alaska Airlines Baggage Claim office and state my case. They tell me to talk to American Airlines Baggage Claim since they are the ones transferring my luggage to Alaska Airlines.
9:35am – I stop in at American Airlines Baggage Claim and state my case. They tell me I need to talk to Alaska Airlines. A rep is nice enough to come with me to Alaska Airlines.
9:40am – It’s decided I should wait in the Alaska Airlines Baggage Claim while both companies try and find my luggage.
10:30am – Some prick comes in complaining about lost luggage. Was really being a wanker to the women behind the counter. I almost stood up and had a go at the guy.
11:30am – Still looking.
12:00pm – It’s suggested I just go home, they’ll message all destinations that my bag needs to be sent to San Luis Obispo if found.
12:10pm – State my case to American Airlines Ticketing. My original plan was to go home on Thursday, now I need to go home now. My business trip has been cancelled.
12:12pm – I’m told that I can’t get refunded on my Portland trip. I already knew that.
12:13pm – I’m told that there’ll be a $100 charge. Ah well, the company will pay for it.
12:14pm – (The icing on the cake) I’m told the next flight is at 5:50pm.
12:15pm – The lady suggests I look into another Airline if I can’t wait 5 and a half hours. (I could drive home in 3 and a half)
12:20pm – I call the office. They suggest maybe renting a car.
12:21pm – I’m then given a good idea to talk to United Airlines, they might take my American ticket.
12:25pm – I walk around Terminal 3, then finally ask where United Airlines is. Terminal 7.
12:30pm – I board a bus to Terminal 7. I hoped. I asked, but the woman almost grunted.
12:40pm – I see Terminal 7. I get out as the bus fills well past capacity.
12:40pm – Did I mention I have no luggage?
12:50pm – I’m almost touched by an Angel. The woman at United Airlines takes my American Airlines ticket and gets me on a flight at 2:20pm. I thank her.
1:10pm – I arrive at the remote terminal, don’t see anyone behind the counter.
1:30pm – Eat my first meal of the day. A Kit Kat Super Bar or something.
1:45pm – Someone is behind the counter. I check in. SSSS prints on my Boarding Pass. I have randomly been selected to undergo a bag and body search.
2:00pm – I am searched.
2:10pm – I board the plane. Someone is in my seat.
2:11pm – There’s tons of spare seats. I sit in a vacant window seat across from him. Gave a quick icy stare.
2:20pm – The plane is delayed a few minutes. Here’s a new one the flight attendant announced: We’re still waiting on some paper work to arrive.
2:21pm – Paperwork? Maybe a weather forecast?
2:30pm – The plane finally takes off.
2:40pm – I guess I napped and missed my beverage of my choice.
2:41pm – Asked for a coke when she walked by.
3:00pm – Hit some turbulance. Did they have to fly into the clouds and not a few feet above them perhaps?
3:15pm – I see San Luis Obispo in the distance. The plane suddenly veers towards the mountains. What the heck?
3:17pm – I guess they had to wait, and circle once to possibly have the runway cleared? It was weird, I have never circled at such a low altitude.
3:20pm – We land!
3:25pm – I make my claim at the American Airlines counter. They inform me my luggage is found and will arrive on a flight tonight at 10:00pm. I’ll pick it up in the morning.
The best part of my day was walking in my door at home.
By the way, this whole story is true. The times are as close as I can remember.
I’m impressed. You woke up at 5:45am, and had showered AND shaved and was in your car within 15 minutes. That’s one hell of a day, though. I don’t think I can beat it, and I don’t want to try ๐